Create Your Own Today Screen Themes For Pocket PC

A custom Today Screen can completely change the look of your Pocket PC or Windows Mobile device-you can use your favourite background image, and customise the colours of the menus, text, navigation bars, and notifications bubbles. You can download thousands of themes free from various Web sites. One such is

Alternatively, you can use a free tool called Microsoft Pocket PC 2002 Theme Generator V2 to create personalised themes. You can also use the tool to edit and personalise other themes you’ve downloaded on your desktop PC. The tool can be downloaded from com/windowsmobile/downloads/themegenerator.mspx.

So how do you create your own theme using this neat software?

STEP 1. Get started
Download and install the Theme Generator tool from the link mentioned above. Click Start > Programs > Theme Generator to launch the software.

This free tool lets you create your own Today Screen themes

STEP 2. Choose your background
Click ‘Create a new theme’. Then, click ‘Browse’ to choose a background image for the Today Screen. After you’ve selected the image, click ‘Modify this image’ to change the image attributes. You can choose from different effects such as negative, greyscale, flip, and mirror. You can also set image brightness and transparency levels from this window.

Change the attributes for the Today Screen background image

If the aspect ratio of the image you chose is different from what is required, you can click and drag on the rectangular frame on the image preview to choose the desired portion of the image. After you’ve done this, click ‘Next’ to continue.

STEP 3. Choose An Image For The Start Menu
Here, you have the option of using the same image you chose in the previous step, or you can use a different image. If you choose a different image, you can again set the image attributes by clicking ‘Modify this image’.

Choose a Start Menu image

Remember to choose the appropriate portion of the image by dragging on the frame in the preview. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

STEP 4. Choose Colours
The next screen lets you specify custom colours for various screen elements such as Today text, navigation bar, command bar, navigation tray, message, and more. Click on the drop-down to choose the specific element, then click on the colour options below to bring up the colour palette.

Customise the colours for your Today Screen

You can now choose the desired colours. Click ‘Next’ after you’re done.

SETP 5. Save It
Provide a name for the theme you just created, and choose the desired location on your hard disk where you want it saved.

Click ‘Finish’ to generate and save the newly-created theme. This file can be transferred later to your mobile device using ActiveSync.

Using the Explore tool, just copy it to the Windows folder of your Pocket PC. Then go to the Today Screen settings and select the new theme to activate it! Now you can proudly display your new creation!

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