Cloud computing gets better, with Google Apps Marketplace

Cloud computing gets better, with Google Apps Marketplace


Google announced the launch of Google Apps Marketplace on its official blog last evening, giving home and business users a chance to enhance their cloud computing experience with hundreds of new applications made by more than 50 companies for a variety of requirements, from accounting to travel planning.





According to the blog, enterprises will enjoy many new features and have greater control and access to their applications. Once third party applications are installed to a company’s domain, they will “work like native Google applications”. They can also, with administrator approval, “interact with calendars, emails, documents and/or contact data to increase productivity”. Administrators will also have the ability to “manage the applications from the familiar Google Apps control panel”. Solving the multiple vendor dilemma, Google offers its users “OpenID integration”, through which they can “access the other applications without signing in separately to each. The Google Apps Marketplace eliminates the worry about software updates, keeping track of different passwords and manual syncing and sharing of data, thereby increasing business productivity and lessening frustrations for users and IT administrators alike”. Third-party applications will also be made secure by Google’s proprietary “oAuth”.


Application developers also have it easier than before. At Google’s “Campfire One” event, developers were shown how easy it is to design and install apps using Google’s Apps Marketplace. Developers will have access to over 25 million users and businesses, and will be required to pay a nominal one-time fee of $100, apart from 20% of the revenue.


While businesses are the biggest users of Google Apps presently, home users will now have a fast-growing number of applications for them to use, with developers beginning to churn out more each day.

Developers interested should check out Google’s Code blog on this, and enterprise users might want to read this. Finally, check out the Google Apps Marketplace directly, at

Abhinav Lal

Abhinav Lal View Full Profile