chromeTouch, an extension for touch navigation on Google Chrome [download]

chromeTouch, an extension for touch navigation on Google Chrome [download]
chromeTouch options

With the easy availability of touchscreen monitors in the market today, it only made sense that someone would add touch functionality to Chrome, for tablets or personal computers. Though this functionality was previously available in many touch-sensitive Android smartphones, it is great to see how the new chromeTouch extension will make the browser touch-compatible across a wide range of devices and operating systems. It even has an option to maximize available screen size, by removing scrollbars from the display altogether. Also nifty is the toggle button for putting touch on or off. To be noted is that Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7 Home, Professional, and Ultimate is the only browser that already has touch support built in.

Download the chromeTouch extension here. Check out a video of chromeTouch below:


Abhinav Lal

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