CA continues environmental friendly ways

Updated on 23-Apr-2008

CA announces organic partnership with earthworms in ongoing environmental project

CA, the enterprise IT management software company, celebrates EARTH DAY 2008 in India by encouraging employees to be environmentally aware as good citizens of planet Earth.   

Activities include a tree-planting program at the CA India Technology Center (ITC) in Hyderabad, plus launch of a campaign to reduce paper and power consumption and a highly-appropriate project to recycle organic waste by vermicomposting – a process by which earthworms are used to turn organic waste into natural, nutrient-rich, high-quality compost.    

CA India Vice President and India Technical Center Site Manager Jogarao Ryali said: “CA India Technology Center is launching the ‘Go Green – Reduce Reuse Recycle’ campaign on EARTH DAY to minimize our impact on the environment. Since inception in 2003, the CA India Technology Center has adopted a keen sense of corporate social responsibility. We have initiated many community-related activities to help facilitate tsunami relief, education and health among children, and so on. This latest ‘green’ endeavor is about helping to save the planet by educating our employees to be eco-friendly citizens at work and in the home.” 

As a part of EARTH DAY, CA India has switched from paper cups to ceramic coffee mugs and employees have purchased and planted more than 50 new trees on the ITC campus. In addition, an online initiative now encourages use of mass transit and carpooling to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while a program has been activated to reduce consumption of electricity. Meanwhile, a vermiculture plant has been built to recycle all non-plastic waste on the facility and CA India has invited partners such as HDFC bank, Airtel and American Express Card Services to further the cause by promoting use of paperless online billing and payment processes.

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