Bring It Home

It is a form of encrypted transmission that travels directly to the consumer via a satellite. Subscribers need to invest in a dish antenna and a set-top box (STB) to use it. Here’s how it works

A DTH transmission is beamed directly to the consumer via a small satellite dish. A DTH network typically consists of  a broadcasting centre, satellites, encoders, multiplexers, modulators and DTH receivers.

The DTH service provider will lease Ku-band transponders from the satellite. The encoder converts the audio, video and data signals into the digital format, and the multiplexer mixes the signals.

A small dish antenna and set-top box (STB) will let the consumer decode and view numerous channels.

Hardware: STB and a dish antenna. (Note: This is different from CAS STB)

Weighing The DTH Offering DTH Pros:
1. DTH supports multiple connections in the same premises, but each TV set needs an individual STB

2. As the broadcaster directly connects to the user, middlemen (local cable operators) and wires (cables) are avoided. DTH can also reach the remotest of areas-villages, small towns and far-flung locations

3. High-end DTH boxes provide value-adds such as PSTN connectivity, gaming, Personal Video Recording (PVR), Web browsing, video conferencing and e-mail

4. DTH offers better picture quality than cable TV and also digital stereo sound

5. Monthly payments are made directly to the satellite company offering the service: thus, under-reporting of subscribers by cable operators can be checked

DTH Cons:
1. DTH will definitely be more expensive than cable as it exists today

2. Installation of the required equipment (dish antenna and the STB) is likely to cost around Rs 4,000 to Rs 7,000 (CAS STBs are priced at Rs 4,000). DTH’s minimum subscription hovers around Rs 500 per month (around Rs 300 for CAS)

3. Though a Government directive has made it possible for all free-to-air channels on cable to be delivered to consumers without a STB, DTH signals require a dedicated STB

4. If consumers choose Conditional Access on their DTH connections as well, the subscription costs will go up, especially when adding premium channels

Cable transmission can be of two kinds-unlimited access and Conditional Access System (CAS). With CAS, consumers have the option of choosing the channels they want to view, and pay only for those, rather than the whole bouquet that the cable operator has to offer. Operators often price channel offerings based on their popularity.
CAS requires a dedicated STB along with a cable wire connecting your television set to the local operator.

Conditional Access-pay only for select channels. Hardware required: STB

Unlimited access via a cable connection to your TV.

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