In a shocking case, a 72-year-old doctor from Bengaluru lost Rs 2.3 lakh to scammers last month. The incident, which occurred on July 27th, came to light only after the doctor, identified as Dr Ramesh (name changed), reported it to the police on August 5th.
Dr Ramesh, a resident of Kumara Park West, received a video call around midnight. Mistaking it for an emergency call from someone he knew, he answered and was surprised to find a woman on the other end of the line. The conversation took an inappropriate turn, with the doctor being persuaded to undress by the woman’s suggestions. Unaware of their intentions, he was recorded by the scammers during the call.
Also read: Delhi woman duped of Rs 2 lakh in digital arrest scam: What is it and how to stay safe
Later that day, Dr Ramesh received a call from someone claiming to be a Delhi cybercrime officer. The caller told him that photos and a video of his intimate act had been posted online, including on platforms like X, Instagram, and YouTube. He falsely claimed that a complaint had been filed against Dr Ramesh, causing the doctor to panic.
The caller assured the doctor that he could remove the offending material for a fee. The doctor, desperate to protect his privacy, transferred Rs 41,500 to a bank account provided by the scammer. However, the fraudsters continued to demand more money, eventually extracting a total of Rs 2.3 lakh from Dr Ramesh through multiple transactions.
Dr Ramesh initially visited the police station under the guise of learning about crime and investigation procedures. It wasn’t until his third visit that he revealed he had been scammed. Police are now working to recover the lost funds and freeze the scammers’ accounts.
This case highlights the importance of being cautious with unexpected video calls. Here are some tips to stay safe from such scams: