Are Asian enterprises ready to mobile blog?

according to a study conducted by public relations agency LEWIS.

Andonly 2.5 percent of European companies have one or more corporateblogs, noted the findings which were unveiled last month at theEuroBlog 2007 conference in Ghent, Belgium.

According to thestudy which surveyed 300 companies across 10 countries worldwide, lessthan five percent of large and mid-sized companies worldwide currentlyhave a corporate blog.

In addition, while corporate blogging isgaining ground in the United States, the “overwhelming majority ofbusinesses around the world still goes without any form ofcompany-branded blogs”, said the study.

“Their reasons [for nothaving a corporate blog] vary strongly, [and] key barriers in theAsia-Pacific region include a tradition of doing business face-to-faceand a high level of media regulation,” Erin Atan, vice president ofAsia-Pacific at LEWIS, said in a statement.

Mark van der Wolf,head of Creative at LEWIS Benelux, said: “Companies around the worldremain hesitant to start blogging because the benefits, costs andimplications are not clear to them.

“Their caution is justifiedbecause as the paper shows, a corporate blog is definitely not foreveryone,” he added. “Still, under the right circumstances and with theright approach, it can contribute greatly to achieving a multitude ofbusiness objectives

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