Apple iCloud due for first major update at WWDC

Updated on 15-May-2012

A recent report by WSJ indicates the fruity giant is likely to showcase an iCloud update at its Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), which starts on June 11.

With numerous cloud storage and synchronization competitors, including the new Google Drive, making their appearance in the meanwhile, Apple’s due to make its first major update to its iCloud offering since its launch last year, whether to play catch up or differentiate itself further.

The updated iCloud is expected to get new photo and synchronization features. Future iCloud users should be able to share photos and albums with other iCloud users, who will also be able to comment on them.

Native video synchronisation across Apple devices is also expected. Notes and Reminders features should get access, no longer limiting them to Apple devices.

Apple is likely to announce its new lineup of MacBooks as well, with the latest Intel Ivy Bridge processors. WWDC is hoped to also reveal an Apple TV and the new iOS 6 according to the report.

New Apple iMacs and iPods may just make an appearance as well, the speculation continues, mostly filling up the company’s portfolio (don’t get your hopes up on an iPhone 5 though).


Abhinav Lal

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