Apple acquires Hyderabad-based machine learning startup Tuplejump

Apple acquires Hyderabad-based machine learning startup Tuplejump

The company was founded in 2013 by Rohit Rai and Satyaprakash Buddhavarapu, who have reportedly joined Apple already.

Apple has bought yet another machine learning company in its recent acquisition spree of similar startups. This time around, the Cupertino tech giant has put its chips in a Hyderabad-based big data & machine learning startup called Tuplejump.

The company was founded in 2013 by Rohit Rai and Satyaprakash Buddhavarapu, who have reportedly joined Apple already. Tuplejump’s website has been taken down following the acquisition, but a screenshot of the About page of the startup describes the company as follows:

“A few years ago people realised that the volume of data that businesses generate was becoming unwieldy. A new set of technologies to handle this huge amounts of data cropped up. We were one of the early adopters of these ‘big-data’ technologies. Having helped Fortune 500 companies adopt these technologies we quickly realised how complicated they were and how much simpler they could get. Thus started our quest to simplify data management technologies and make them extremely simple to use. We are building technology that is simple to use, scalable and will allow people to ask difficult questions on huge datasets. We are a team passionate about technology and pushing technology frontiers. We believe that technology enriches and improves our lives for good. We have data everywhere! Statistics about the income and literacy data or metrics on energy consumption data, cancer/AIDS research or weather information. If we can collect it, if our scientists get tools to make sense of it, if we can find the patterns and causality in it, we can solve most of our world’s problems.”

As per a report by TechCrunch, Apple had expressed interest in the startup’s open-source project termed ‘FiloDB’, which is essentially attempting to apply the concept of machine learning to analyse big data.

Apple has previously acquired the likes of Perceptio, Vocal IQ (an AI startup similar in nature to its own Siri) and Emotient Inc., a startup that uses deep neural networks to assess facial expressions and read emotions. Not to be left behind, the company went and splurged $200 million on Turi – a firm that specialises in building AI solutions for multiple purposes.

Adamya Sharma

Adamya Sharma

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