AntiSec hacks Apple; says it is “Not Yet Serious”

AntiSec hacks Apple; says it is “Not Yet Serious”

Here we have it – proof that while the infamous LulzSec hacker group quit the open waters of the internet it terrorized, AntiSec activities are still in progress. With Anti-Security as their motive, a group of hackers has reportedly hacked into the Apple website via SQL injection, and stole the passwords and usernames of 26 server administrators. The server hacked was used for the processing of survery information.


The hacked data was made available in a post entitled “Not Yet Serious” on pastebin for the world to see, however, Apple hasn’t yet commented on its veracity. Apple has has managed to maintain a strong electronic front for a while now, one that has reportedly not been breached in 8 years.

The pastebin post was accompanied by an AnonymousIRC tweet, laughing off the attack, saying that Apple is not actually a target for now:

“Not being so serious, but well: | #Apple could be target, too. But don’t worry, we are busy elsewhere. #AntiSec”

In this strange crusade in the name of “freedom and progress”, the next victim remains at large.

Abhinav Lal

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