Anonymous claims attack on U.S. security think tank – Stratfor

Updated on 26-Dec-2011

Stratfor, short for Strategic Forecasting Inc., a major U.S. security think tank, reported over the weekend that its website had been hacked, and that some identities and other details of its clients have been leaked online. While the hacker has not yet been officially identified, the notorious hacking group – Anonymous – has claimed responsibility.

The think tank provides strategic economic, security and geopolitical intelligence, for businesses. It is reportedly working authorities in their investigation into the hacking, and “will assist them with the identification of the individual(s) who are responsible”. For now though, it has suspended its servers and email.

Anonymous has posted over 4,000 home credit card details, passwords and home addresses, from what it claims to be Stratfor’s private client list, on Pastebin – something it, and its now disbanded splinter group LulzSec, have known to do in the past. 2011 has been a busy year in the field, with numerous security breaches claimed by the group. AntiSec, the movement LulzSec and Anonymous have spearheaded, looks to be in full bloom.

Source: WSJ



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