Android 4.0.1 ICS x86 edition primed for AMD Fusion Brazos platform

Updated on 02-Dec-2011

A recent announcement by the Android x86 Project revealed that an x86-compatible version of Android 4.0.1 Ice Cream Sandwich is ready for download. The announcement also carried the snippet about how the platform was optimized for AMD hardware acceleration, and made special reference to the AMD Brazos APU.

The news that AMD’s Fusion offerings would be one of the prime candidates for future tablets certainly is interesting, further emphasizing the chip-maker’s shift away from direct competition with Intel on all fronts, and the opening of new fronts against Nvidia and Qualcomm for mobile platforms. The news also highlights the wide-ranging acceptance of the Fusion platform, something Intel’s Atom range is still fighting for.

The thought of DirectX 11 graphics being supported on a low-power mobile platform is also impressive, with the AMD Fusion Accelerated Processing Units (APUs) using AMD Radeon GPUs on the chip. For right now, the Fusion seems to be the most powerful mobile platform in the near future, with Nvidia Tegra 3 and Intel Atom offerings not in the same league of graphical performance and power consumption, respectively.

Getting back to the announcement (check it out here, and below), the x86 Android developer announced OpenGL ES Hardware acceleration for AMD Radeon chipset is supported, while hardware acceleration for the Intel platform is still being worked on.

Hi all,

The ics-x86 branch based on Android 4.0.1 is ready.
You may download the source as usual:

$ repo init -u git:// -b ics-x86
$ repo sync

or from the SourceForge mirror

$ repo init -u git://
-b ics-x86
$ repo sync

What work:
* Wifi
* Multitouch
* OpenGL ES Hardware acceleration for AMD Radeon chipset

What NOT work (yet):
* Sound
* Camera
* Ethernet
* Hardware acceleration for Intel platform

I’ve uploaded an iso for AMD brazos tablet in the download page.
Enjoy it!

Android-x86 project


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