After smart lenses, Google now working on a ‘needle free blood draw’

After smart lenses, Google now working on a ‘needle free blood draw’

Talk about a blood sucking corporate! Google wants to make a smartwatch that'll draw blood from the wearer. Count Clockula, anyone?

There seems to be no end to the things Google can do. The technology giant has reportedly filed a patent for a smartwatch that is capable of drawing blood without using needles. The device can in theory replace a glucometer. Of course, filing a patent doesn’t necessarily mean the device will be a success. According to the patent, Google’s machine sends an “abrupt surge” of gas into a barrel, which in turn has a “micro particle” that can puncture the human skin and take small amounts of blood. The blood droplet formed on the hand is sucked into a negative pressure barrel. The patent reads, “Such an application might be used to draw a small amount of blood, for example, for a glucose test.”

Of course, the fact that the needle is eliminated from the equation means the smartwatch will cause little pain to the person whose blood is being drawn. Reports say that the pain will be less than even the pin prick method that is employed by glucometers that are currently available in the market. While the technology does look quite innovative, there’s no word on when or whether Google will actually bring it to the market.

There’s reason to be optimistic though, considering the fact that Google has taken interest in such medical technology earlier. The Search giant has been working with pharmaceutical giant Novartis, developing its smart contact lens that can connect to mobile devices wirelessly and measure the wearer’s blood sugar levels. In addition, work is also ongoing on a pair of lenses that can treat far-sightedness.

The smart lens technology involves microchips, non-invasive sensors and mini-electronics that have been embedded on the lens. Google has said that there could be other applications for the lens as well, and has filed for a patent involving a lens with a camera.

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