After 44 years in prison, man can’t believe the tech around him!

Updated on 28-Nov-2015

Otis Johnson was sent to prison when he was 25 and released when he was 69. This is his reaction to modern technology.

A recently released feature video by Al jazeera shows just how much technology has evolved in the past half century. A man named Otis Johnson was sent to prison in the late 1960's on the charges of attempt to murder and assaulting a police officer. He was 25 years old when he was imprisoned and locked away from the world. At 69, Johnson was set free and could not believe how much technology had changed the world while he was away. This video feature shows Johnson visiting Times Square in New York city. While walking the streets of the Big Apple, Johnson was left astounded by how people are always plugged into their devices. His reaction to modern technology is one of the most honest admission of aww we have seen in a while, and speaks volumes on how addicted we are to technology. Have a look

Source: Al jazeera

Adamya Sharma

Managing editor, - News Junkie, Movie Buff, Tech Whizz!

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