Adobe’s Online Creative Festival starts tomorrow
For all those using or interested in using Adobe products, tomorrow is an important day. Starting 11AM and till 4PM Adobe is hosting the Online Creative Festival which will cover a range of topics concerning their Creative Suite of applications.
The event will feature 10 hours of live seminars during the 5 hours, with parallel sessions in two “rooms.” After each one-hour session you will be able to interact with Adobe experts, other wise there will also be chat room for the same. On demand pre-recorded sessions on various topics will also be available.
If you already use Adobe products, you can also participate in a contest and end up winning a copy of Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection. You just need to upload your creation to the Gallery section, and attendees will be able to vote for the one they like best.
The seminars will cover Adobe software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign etc and Adobe technologies such as Flash, and ActionScript. The seminars are free and registrations for the event are still open. Visit now to register.