Using a water heater has many benefits. First of all, it removes your dependency on inefficient sources like gas stoves for hot water. Additionally, the presence of the right storage capacity can even help provide a continuous flow of hot water, especially when it is appropriate for the members of the household. For instance, a small family using showers can go for a 15-litre storage water heater for their needs. A vertical model can have certain advantages, as well as useful features. Here are some impressive models available on Amazon that we’ve selected based on their specifications and the features they offer.
Going for a compact design, the Bajaj New Shakti Storage 15-litre water heater promises to occupy less space in your bathrooms. The outer body is made of plastic where the inner body comes with glass coating to enhance resistance to corrosion. It also promises greater insulation so that the 15-litre capacity can hold hot water for a longer duration. For energy efficiency, the Bajaj New Shakti Storage water heater comes with a 4-star BEE rating that certifies its performance. Additionally, it packs a number of safety features such as a four-in-one multifunction safety valve as well as a fire retardant cable, which work towards ensuring safer operations with your water heater.
The CDR water heater from Racold prioritises safety in its design. Its adjustable thermostat and cut out functions keep it safe from temperature damage. The multifunction safety valve adds protection from spillage and excessive pressure. The super polymer coating on the inside of the tank ensures hygiene and keeps your hot water supply clean. The same coating also augments the rust resistance inside the tank. The electrolytic process used by the Racold CDR heater improves its durability against corrosion.
To tackle corrosion effectively, the AO Smith SDS-GREEN series 15-litre water heater comes with an anode rod made of a customised alloy designed to last longer against corrosion. Additionally, there’s an Inlet Water Diffuser that changes the flow of the water from singular and vertical to multiple horizontal streams, which also reduces the possibility of wear and tear. The heating element is designed with a glass coating to increase durability. In terms of shape, it is designed to aim for maximum heating efficiency with its fold-back structure. To take it one step further, the proprietary Blue Diamond Glass-Lining technology also increases corrosion resistance.
The Caldia water heater from Bajaj focuses on durability with a unique inner tank coating that uses titanium armour technology. This aims to improve its endurance against wear over time. The ABS material used for the exterior does the same, while adding to its overall aesthetic appeal. The five-star rating certifies Bajaj Caldia’s high efficiency. This high efficiency is achieved by the swirl flow technology, which also reduces the overall heating time. Its 8 bar pressure rating makes it a good choice for high rises.