Xbox One Games with a Female Protagonist

Xbox One Games with a Female Protagonist

Representation is one of the most talked-about elements when describing today’s media, and it certainly is a requirement that spills over into the world of gaming too. As a female gamer (or a feminist dude), you’re probably always on the lookout for a great game with a female protagonist, but, having said that, you obviously don’t want to settle for a sub-par game just because it’s based on the story of a woman, right? This can make it slightly challenging to find the right game for your needs. To make it easier for you, we’ve curated a list of games with a female protagonist on the Xbox One.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

It’s no secret that the Shadow of the Tomb Raider has been celebrated by gamers and critics for being the most ambitious (and satisfying) part of the trilogy.

With an impressive world filled with puzzles that’ll make you scratch your head, scenes with enough tension to occasionally make the game feel like one from the horror genre, emotional punches peppered throughout Lara Croft’s journey as she questions her identity, and new rappelling and overhand abilities, this game offers a lot of cause for celebration. Look out for the nine challenge tombs that not only have intricate details but also puzzles that don’t repeat ideas you’ve already explored, requiring you to keep coming up with creative solutions to move ahead. Additionally, you can expect a gameplay format that focuses more on stealth rather than blazing guns and combat, making survival even more challenging at times.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is the sequel to Mirror’s Edge, and functions as a half-prequel half-reboot of sorts. If you’re a fan of the first game, you’ll be happy to find that some of the elements that you loved about Mirror’s Edge are retained in this game. For instance, locomotion is incredibly fluid and has a predominantly first-person point of view (except when you’re conducting a finishing move, which is when the game offers a third-person perspective for you to enjoy the impact of your moves). When you’re moving, you’re protected by a shield, which makes it harder for your enemies to hit you. This gives you an opportunity to scope out different environments before committing to a move. Additionally, one of the features that sets this apart from its predecessor is that it’s an open world, offering a wider area to explore. You can enjoy a variety of fun parkour moves along with user-created races as this game encourages speed and momentum.

Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice

Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice is the perfect game for those who love psychology and darkness. As your character is plagued by voices in her head, the soundtrack includes endless chattering at different points, letting you take a deep dive into what it’s truly like to have mental afflictions. With the voices offering a range of opinions on every move you make, and a great soundtrack that gives you goosebumps, the audio experience of this game is certainly outstanding.

To make the experience as harrowing as it must be for the character, there’s no combat tutorial, mini-map, or objective markers that you can use for help while guiding the character. What adds to it is the fact that the character hallucinates often, so you never really know if what you’re running from is real.


If you’re a fan of the sci-fi genre and have always wanted to live out your own X-men-style adventure, then Control is a great game for you. Your main character is armed with a range of supernatural powers, out of which Telekinesis emerges as the top ability no matter how long you play for. Do keep an eye out for breadcrumbs and side-quests as it isn’t an exaggeration to say that these quests are as rewarding as your main quest. Enter a shape-shifting world that has you questioning everything around you as you and your ethereal side-kick struggle to take back control of the building. You can expect an intriguing storyline along with fluid movement and combat. 


Kajoli Anand Puri

Kajoli Anand Puri

Kajoli is a tech-enthusiast with a soft-spot for smart kitchen and home appliances. She loves exploring gadgets and gizmos that are designed to make life simpler, but also secretly fears a world run by AI. Oh wait, we’re already there. View Full Profile