Super-rumour: Slim ‘Xbox 360+’ with 1TB HDD, Project Natal

Super-rumour: Slim ‘Xbox 360+’ with 1TB HDD, Project Natal
I love the smell of a fresh rumour in the morning! And what better rumour to start off with than the next iteration of the Xbox 360…
In a blog post on his site Geisswerks, Microsoft graphics programmer Ryan Geiss wrote: “I can finally disclose that I’m one of the core developers of the human-tracking algorithms for Project Natal, bringing full-body motion control to the Xbox 360 .”
Notice the plus? Xbox Evolved was among the first to spot that little character, and ruled out the possibility of a type as typing a plus sign requires the Shift key to be held down. 
The rumour mills have been working overtime recently, after it was announced at E3 that the next generation of Microsoft’s Xbox 360 consoles would come bundled with Project Natal. 
Xbox Evolved has also thrown in the popular rumour of a larger hard disk (perhaps 1TB) in the console, which would make sense because of the 360 Dashboard’s new ‘Games-on-demand’ download feature. It would take a lot of disk space to store full games, indeed!
The new console is expected to come some time next year, and could also incorporate the highly-anticipated new 65nm chip that holds both the GPU and CPU. With this, the demands for cooling and power would go down significantly, and could lead to a slimmer version of the Xbox 360.
So, to round up all the rumours into one super-rumour: A slimmer Xbox 360 with reduced power and cooling demands, equipped with a 1TB hard disk and bundled with Project Natal? Wow! Beat that, Sony! 
Source: Xbox Evolved, 1UP

Mihir Patkar