Rockstar’s “L.A. Noire” gets May 23 release date

Updated on 25-Jan-2011

Rockstar Games‘ latest video-game epic, “L.A. Noire,” is set to be released on May 23, according to a trailer that was released on Monday.

The new “Serial Killer” trailer, embedded below, reveals that the player will be after a serial killer – or perhaps a copycat – that murders women and then displays messages on their bodies. Not exactly family friendly, but then Rockstar’s games rarely are.

[RELATED_ARTICLE]The game uses the MotionScan technology, which applies realistic motion capture and facial expressions to the game.

MotionScan is different from traditional motion capture technology in that it utilizes 32 high-definition cameras that capture an actor’s expressions in full 3D at 30 frames per second. “L.A. Noire” will be the first video game to utilize this technology by Depth Analysis, which created MotionScan.

“L.A. Noire” is currently slated for release for Xbox 360 and PS3 for $59.99.

Additional reporting by Sara Yin.


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