PSN credit card database reportedly being auctioned on underground forums

Updated on 29-Apr-2011
PSN and Qriocity subscribers who’ve registered their credit cards with the networks should take note – your details are reportedly being exchanged on underground Internet forums. It’s no longer a case of “may have been obtained.” So in case you hadn’t yet taken action, do so now! Refer to this Q&A on the PlayStation Blog for guidance.
Security firm, Trend Micro, reports that it has seen much discussion among hackers about a database of more than 2.2 million credit card numbers, addresses, names, and passwords – looking to be sold for more than $100,000. According to a Trend Micro senior threat researcher, Kevin Stevens, a group had even claimed to have offered returning the database to Sony, for a bounty – but has apparently not received a response.
[RELATED_ARTICLE]Sony’s Seybold has reacted to this claim, stating: “To my knowledge there is no truth to the report that Sony was offered an opportunity to purchase the list.”
For now, according to various security experts, measures to verify the database, and isolate the hackers, have so far been unsuccessful. Governmental agencies taking care of the investigation have declined to comment about these latest reports. Sony of course, is in a whole bucket of trouble for not having informed users of the breach sooner, a move that will no doubt prompt plenty of litigation and ill-will.

Abhinav Lal

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