PlayStation BlogShare: A place to share & discuss ideas to improve the PlayStation experience
Do you own a PlayStation? Do you have any ideas or suggestions of how to make the PlayStation experience better, but don’t know where to share them where they will be seen by the people who matter – Sony and other PlayStation users?
Well, Sony has launched a new site called PlayStation.Blog Share, where users can submit ideas/suggestions on anything PlayStation-related, vote/comment on other people’s ideas, and communicate with Sony and users. No matter how small/irrelevant your idea might seem, don’t be afraid to step to step up to the plate, and share it with the world. Check it out here.
To make the atmosphere most conducive to sharing, idea submissions are restricted to one per person per day, allowing everyone to get into the act, without a “few” people dominating the space. Got any questions regarding the service? Check out their FAQs section here.