Nintendo manages to sell a mere 160,000 Wii U units in the last quarter

Nintendo manages to sell a mere 160,000 Wii U units in the last quarter

Worldwide sales figure of Wii U were very low in the last quarter with just 160,000 sold. Surprisingly more Wii units were sold in the same period.

Just a mere 160,000 Wii U consoles were sold between April and June worldwide in 2013, along with 1.03 million software units.

The figure is a 51.3 percent lower than the last quarter. The console has currently sold 3.61 million units around the world contrary to Nintendo’s prediction of 5.5 million units by the end of March. Nintendo claims that hardware sales still have a negative impact on the company’s operating profit, implying that even with these lame sales figure, the console is being sold at a loss.

The company sold 1.4 million 3DS handhelds over the quarter, which is 25 percent lower when compared to last year, however software sales were 49 percent higher courtesy of titles such as Tomodachi Collection: New Life in Japan and Animal Crossing: New Leaf in the West.

Surprisingly, Nintendo managed to sell more Wii consoles than the Wii U in the last quarter, with a sale of 210,000 units worldwide.

The Wii U sales have been very low indeed, with less than 100,000 units sold in the US in January. However, Nintendo will undeniably be relying on its upcoming software lineup to turn the tables in its favour. The company showcased several titles at this year’s E3 trade show such as Super Mario, Mario Kart and Donkey Kong Country.

Source: The Verge

Abhinav Mishra