More GTA V screenshots leaked

Updated on 23-Aug-2012

Well, it does look like Rockstar games is lining up some big announcement relating to GTA V.

Yesterday we saw three images leaked that show different modes of transport that gamers may be able to use in the game. Today, we have yet another three screenshots revealing a bit more about GTA V.

To start with, there is one screenshot that shows a game of tennis. In the past games, players could take on mini games to take a break from the main story. Could tennis be one of the mini-games?

The second GTA V screenshot is that of three dirt bikes. It could either be that you get to go on mission that are outside the city and hence the dirt bike scenario or the images could also be hinting at some multiplayer action.

Speaking of fun activities, the third GTA V screenshot shows the protagonist paragliding in a beautiful rocky countryside. Could this be more leisure activity or mission based?

The three screenshots don’t reveal much but one thing is certain. The scale of the game looks really grand and large. The GTA IV not only had a great campaign, but the number of side missions were so many, that it was enough to last you for many weeks on end. We assume the same will happen in GTA V, but the scale will be grander and the missions will be quite diverse.

What do you think of these new screenshots? Let us know in the comment section below:

Sameer Mitha

Sameer Mitha lives for gaming and technology is his muse. When he isn’t busy playing with gadgets or video games he delves into the world of fantasy novels.

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