Lost Planet 3 coming to the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC next year

Lost Planet 3 coming to the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC next year

Capcom has announced the third game in the Lost Planet franchise, Lost Planet 3, which will launch for the PlayStation 3, PC, and Xbox 360 early next year.

No news on whether the game will be available on the Wii U. The game has been developed using the Unreal Engine 3.

The latest chapter in the Lost Planet series brings back the extreme and unpredictable conditions that characterized the series. The weather this time is harsher than ever before. Lost Planet 3 reveals new truths about the foreboding planet and the colonial history of E.D.N. III.

Lost Planet 3 introduces Jim, a rig pilot who leaves Earth to take on a hazardous but lucrative contract on E.D.N. III. Working for Neo-Venus Construction (NEVEC) who are preparing the planet for colonization, Jim joins his fellow pioneers at the Coronis base and begins surveying the uncharted terrain and obtaining samples of the planet’s energy supply – Thermal Energy.

The trailer shows off some diverse gameplay as well as one heavy mech warrior taking on a large monster. If implemented correctly, this will be one of the best gameplay mechanics of the game. Just like Lost Planet 2, we hope co-operative multiplayer makes an appearance as well, as that was one of the high points of Lost Planet 2.

Take a look at the very promising 3-minute long announcement trailer of Lost Planet 3 below.

Sameer Mitha

Sameer Mitha

Sameer Mitha lives for gaming and technology is his muse. When he isn’t busy playing with gadgets or video games he delves into the world of fantasy novels. View Full Profile
