Last Portal 2 trailer reveals new investment opportunity – Long Fall Boots

Updated on 13-Apr-2011

In a last trailer before the April 19th release, Valve has revealed the fourth Aperture Investment Opportunity in Portal 2 – Long Fall Boots. Portal users might just want to invest in these boots, to be able to protect themselves from a bad fall. Aperture Laboratories of course, is more bothered about saving their precious equipment, and call the boots “foot-based suit of armour for the Portal Device.”

[RELATED_ARTICLE]While they are “expensive as hell”, the Long Fall Boots in the trailer seem to also give you a spring in your step, and look perfect for some interesting manoeuvres.

If you just can’t wait a minute longer than release date to spend your cash on these, and other investment opportunities, you’ll be happy to know that Portal 2 is now available for pre-load on Steam, allowing you to start downloading the game already, and be the first out of the gates when they’re unlocked.

Abhinav Lal

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