Is Apple seriously looking at the gaming world?

Is Apple seriously looking at the gaming world?

One of the major reasons a lot of Windows users have stayed off Apple might soon be changing, as the Cupertino-based electronics giant is rumoured to be looking seriously at getting into gaming.

Smart House reports that third party companies linked with Apple are claiming that the company is considering releasing a gaming device and a gaming network by as early as 2011.

Mac developers have been meeting various game developers recently, and Apple has hired a lot of executives from the gaming industry. The most prominent in these are Bob Debrin (Chief Technology Officer of the Graphics Products Group at AMD), Raja Koduri (ATI) and Mark Papermaster (IBM’s whiz who developed the Cell Processor used in the PS3).

If the OSX does support more games, there would quite a few people who would willingly fork over the extra cash for a Mac Pro than a Windows-based PC.

And the idea of an iPod Touch with gaming capabilities makes us positively drool with delight. How can Sony’s Playstation Portable possibly compete with that?

Knowing Apple, cross-platform media is quite important to them, such that a game that works on a computer should also work on the iPhone and iPod Touch, and perhaps also any new tablet they are coming out with. This obviously leads to questions of compatibility with Apple TV, and further gossip about an Apple console!

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves there. Let’s just treat this one as a rumour that should make us keep our eyes and ears open for anything more on it…

Mihir Patkar