Google and Hasbro to kick off giant, worldwide monopoly game tonight!

Google and Hasbro to kick off giant, worldwide monopoly game tonight!
One of the world’s most popular board games is set to be virtually recreated into a mega-sized masterpiece as Google and Hasbro are teaming up to launch ‘Monopoly City Streets’ tonight, September 9, at 11:30PM IST (6PM GMT). 
Mashable reports that the game allows users to compete in a live, worldwide version of the popular game, creating the biggest Monopoly tournament ever played. And yes, you can theoretically buy any street in the world!
A new player will start off with a whopping three million Monopoly dollars – it seems like inflation has caught on in the board games too. With this, you can initially buy a street or make an offer to a street owner to buy it off him. 
The huge money to start off obviously means that the streets will cost a lot too: Downing Street in the UK will cost $231,000, while Pennsylvania Avenue will cost $2 million. Yikes! Of course, you can always offset those prices by collecting rent from hotels, football stadiums, skyscrapers, castles, etc.
There is a bit of a weird rule thrown in, though, where if someone makes you an offer and you don’t reply within seven days, the offer is automatically accepted no matter how low it is. So potentially, you will have to log in every day and if someone spams you with a lot of offers, you might just stand to lose your property. Hopefully, there will be a fix or some workaround for this.
So get ready for the entire planet to be pitted against one another in an online game of Monopoly that turns the globe into one giant game board! 

Mihir Patkar