Four of the top adventure games on the Xbox One

Four of the top adventure games on the Xbox One

In the old days, going on an adventure in a different world meant reading a book by J. R. R. Tolkien,  Andrzej Sapkowski or even Arthur C. Clarke. Today, going on an adventure means firing up your gaming console and immersing yourself in a world filled with photo-realistic graphics, characters with a deep arc and worlds filled with magic and monsters. If you are looking to immerse yourself in an adventure, then these are the games to check out on the Xbox One available on Amazon. 

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

In the Witcher 3, you don the role of Gerald of Rivia. He is on a journey to find his adopted daughter, Ciri who is on the run from some very bad people called the Wild Hunt. Gerald is a Witcher which means he has some magical powers and even the ability to track people. The way the plot of the game develops is what will keep you hooked to the game. From visiting kings in distress to towns plagued with monsters and even helping out a village witch, it's the small details and vast characters in the game that make the world of the Witcher 3 feels like a living breathing place. Needless to say, the world of the Witcher 3 is vast, filled with lots of things to do, places to explore and secrets to uncover. A very interesting element in the game is the decisions you take. Each decision you make has consequences and each consequence leads to a different path in the story. This means that once you've beaten the game, you can play it again to see how differently the story can pan out. 

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

If you love the treasure hunting adventure life of Indiana Jones, then the Tomb Raider franchise is one you should check out. In the final chapter of the trilogy, we see the lead protagonist Lara Croft save the world from destruction. This time around though, she is the one who has set the events of a global apocalypse in motion and must find a way to put a stop to it. The game not only brings with it vast areas to explore, but also has some tricky puzzles that need solving. This is definitely for those that want some action, puzzle solving and good story telling in their adventure. 

Assassins Creed: Odyssey

This is the story of Alexios or Kassandra (your choice) in the Greek-conflict that transcends land, seas and architecture. The enhanced side quests and combat mechanics like the levelling-up feature and the hitbox fighting system are elements that make gameplay more challenging and thus more fulfilling. The naval combat scenes set in sprawling landscapes just add to the beauty of Ubisoft’s ambitious Odyssey. It has been developed as an open-world role-playing game that warrants full control of the lead, letting you select dialogues and actions that may determine the entire plot. This becomes a very organic part of the gameplay. Other than this, the gameplay also includes abilities and weapon load-outs that grow with the plot. Yes, you get the Spartan kick and it's beautiful! 

Just Cause 4

The intrinsic charm of the blow-it-all up mission by mission formula never seems to mellow down. Developed by Avalanche Studios, Just Cause 4 offers vast improvement from its predecessor, with an enhanced mission experience, map locations sprawling across Latin America, gizmos and a melange of destructive but fancy weapons.

Rico Rodriguez, the lead, takes on a world of crime and dictatorship with the virtual state-of-the-art arsenal. You must battle weather extremes that challenge you to cope with the pace of the game. Use wingsuits or enjoy a Mission Impossible: Fallout style grapple-hook up with a helicopter over exploding bases.

The modern-day-messiah game has just about everything and enough action for you to have an adrenaline rush each time you play!


Ashwin Nair