Books that elaborate a video game story

Updated on 06-May-2020

If you love immersing yourself in a different world, you know that it’s not always about the medium, it’s about the content itself. If you’re a fan of a certain video game, you can increase your knowledge of the world and strengthen your connection with its characters by reading novels based on the same. Apart from offering a varied perspective, these novels also journey along with the character, experiencing the universe the story is set in, rather than reacting to it through controlled action. If you can’t get enough of your favourite video games, then check out these books that elaborate their stories.

God of War

The God of War is a novelisation of the God of War 4, following Kratos’s journey along with his son, Atreus, as they navigate their way through the harsh Norse world. What’s exciting about this book is the fact that it gives you an emotional perspective of Kratos’s life, and you get to see the character evolve beyond a thirst for vengeance. Of course, that doesn’t mean that the visceral violence that you’ve come to expect from the franchise will be missing. With the protagonist and his son on a quest to scatter his wife’s ashes, Krato encounters a number of monsters and equally monstrous men, fighting his way to the tallest mountain in the realm. You’ll also get deeper insights into Kratos’ relationship with his son, which definitely makes this a great read.

Assassin's Creed the Renaissance Codex Book 1

Assassin’s Creed is arguably one of the most successful gaming franchises, with fans clamouring for more each year. This book lets you take a deep dive into the world of Ezio Auditore da Firenze, with the story picking up with the betrayal of his family. As fans may know, the story revolves around the power struggle between the Knights Templar and the Assassin Order, with a major plot point centring on why the power struggle exists in the first place. Apart from seeing the world through the protagonist’s eyes, you’ll get to witness an unforgettable journey and a single-minded pursuit – to bring about positive change.

Gears Of War: Jacinto's Remnant

This book is based on the Gears of War franchise, as you may have guessed from the name. The story chronicles the events that took place right after Gears of War 2 (and is the second novel in its series), right after the humans had destroyed their last major stronghold in order to flood the Locust’s underground lair. Fans of the franchise believe that this book adds some much-needed raw emotion to the story, as you read about Bernie trying to survive after Jacinto’s destruction. Additionally, you’ll also find 3-dimensional female characters in the books, a feature that many believed was missing in the earlier instalments of the games. You can also expect a decent number of flashbacks that take you to life before the Locust Clan descended upon humanity, which will certainly give you more insights into the world itself and the motivations of the characters.

Alan Wake Paperback

Alan Wake, the game, is known for its exceptional storytelling, which is why it’s natural for you to feel a bit sceptical before browsing its paperback counterpart. Fortunately, the book does justice to the narrative abilities of the game, taking you into the mind of the protagonist as he learns his wife is missing and uncovers the secrets of Cauldron Lake. One of the key differences between the game and the book lies in the portrayal of Alan Wake himself. While he’s quite irrational and moody in the game, he’s a much angrier person in the books and is often consumed by self-loathing. The added dimension to the character certainly enhances the story itself and the way it unfolds.

Kajoli Anand Puri

Kajoli is a tech-enthusiast with a soft-spot for smart kitchen and home appliances. She loves exploring gadgets and gizmos that are designed to make life simpler, but also secretly fears a world run by AI. Oh wait, we’re already there.

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