A new character could soon be introduced in the online multiplayer Battle Royale Apex Legends. Gaming Intel Digging into the game files of Apex Legends, reference was found for a new character called Octane.reports that digging into the game files, it has found that the first new in-game character called Octane could soon be introduced. As per the game files, the new Legend may be added during week eight of the game, which is around March end. This is in line with Respawn Entertainment’s roadmap where Season 1 of the game is slated to commence from March 1 and players can expect a new Legend being added to the game with every passing season.
As per the report, a new playlist will be added to Apex Legends on the eighth week. However, there is no way one can buy a legend since the company’s FAQ section on the Apex Legends’ website clarifies this is not possible. Additionally, the report suggests that there could be a new item introduced to the game called ‘Jump Pads’. How does this item affect the gameplay or can be used is not revealed yet. As all this information is currently not confirmed by the company, we suggest you take it with a pinch of salt.
Some audio files from Apex Legends’ gameplay were found in a previous leak. Several of these sound effects appear to be of new Legends as they use their abilities, slide, and run. The name Octane again popped up in these files, along with Watson. The naming convention of the audio files is said to follow the Legend name first, followed by the action being performed.
Based on the audio file for the alleged character Octane, it is speculated that the character might be capable of using “stim,” which is speculated to be Stimpack that provides a boost to mobility and health regeneration. The other character Watson could make use of something called the Tesla Trap.
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