Pushpa 2, which made its theatrical debut last month, has been highly appreciated by fans. The movie which features Rashmika Mandanna and Allu Arjun became a record-breaking blockbuster and achieved monumental success by earning over Rs 1,750 crore worldwide. It also became the highest-grossing film of the year. Now, fans are eagerly waiting for an OTT debut so that they can catch the action again. If you’re one of those, here’s everything that you need to know about Pushpa 2’s OTT release.
Previously, streaming giant Netflix had confirmed that Pushpa 2 will soon come to Netflix. However, a recent communication from Mythri Movie Makers has revealed that the producers are currently focussing on the theatrical run of the movie. Media reports suggest that the film will not make it to OTT before 56 days of its theatrical release. We can hence expect it to drop only after January 29.
Pushpa Raj is a humble labourer who turns into a sandalwood smuggler as he rises to prominence. However, his reign is not the smoothest as he gets challenged by powerful adversaries, including SP Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat IPS.
Pushpa 2: The Rule has been directed by Sukumar and is the sequel to the 2021 blockbuster movie. Did you know that 10% of the footage for this movie was shot along with the first installment? Pushpa 2 was made under a massive budget of Rs 400-500 crore and is one of the most expensive Indian films. It includes music by Devi Sri Prasad, cinematography by Mirosław Kuba Brożek, and editing by Naveen Nooli, some of the best in the industry.
Have you watched the movie yet or are you waiting for its OTT release?