Sony India unveils shotgun microphone for vlogging

Updated on 24-Aug-2022

New Delhi, Aug 24 (IANS) Sony India on Wednesday introduced a new shotgun microphone — the ECM-G1 — that is said to be highly portable and perfect for content creators to capture high-quality audio.

Priced at ₹10,290, the ECM-G1 features a large-diameter microphone capsule that collects clear sound while suppressing noise.

"The ECM-G1 is the perfect microphone for vlogging and interviews. It captures voices clearly, contains a wind screen to reduce wind noise when shooting outdoors, and has an optimised frame with anti-vibration dampers to suppress vibration noise," the company said in a statement.

"The cableless design avoids cable-transmitted vibration noise when attached to a Sony camera with the Multi-Interface (MI) shoe," it added.

The company claimed that ECM-super-cardioid G1's pick-up pattern emphasises clear sound collection from in front of the camera, with ambient noise minimized to ensure only wanted audio is caught — ideal for selfie shooting.

Even when shooting indoors, the ECM-G1, which is available across online and offline stores, reduces echo pickup from walls and voice reverberation, resulting in clear conversation sound capture, it said.

Sony mentioned that a recording cable is included, and the microphone jack is compatible with a wide range of devices, such as cameras and smartphones, giving users the ultimate flexibility for various shooting requirements.

(Except for the headline, the rest of this IANS article is un-edited)

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