WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging platforms out there. And to keep up with that, the messaging platform keeps on updating its features. Recent reports suggest that WhatsApp is currently working on a new feature that will allow users to translate messages on the chat itself directly. Initially, the feature can be limited to English and Hindi, but more languages can be added soon.
Reporting this new update, WeBeta Info said, “WhatsApp is working on a feature to translate messages using language packs, and it will be available in a future update!” The feature is probably in the testing phase right now and will be rolled out for a select few users.
Reports suggest that to achieve this, WhatsApp might integrate Google Translate within the app itself. Google Translate will be used within the chat itself to allow users to translate the messages directly. Since Google Translate will act locally within the chat, this will also help keep user privacy intact. Since everything is happening locally, there is no need to send any data to outside servers.
This also means that now users don’t have to access an external app for their translation needs. This can happen instantly while they are chatting with anyone. As I mentioned previously, the feature can be limited to English and Hindi initially. So it’s great news for us Indians. But in the future, more languages can be included too.
In the future, whenever the feature is rolled out, you will be required first to download language packs to enable the feature. This will allow users to be able to translate in their preferred languages anytime they like.
Would you like to use the translate feature in your WhatsApp chats? Let me know in the comments below.