WhatsApp has been working on a variety of features in order to make the chat experience fun. In the latest update, the Meta-owned instant messaging platform has introduced a variety of new features including camera effects, selfie stickers, and quicker reactions for the users. Taking to an official blog post, Meta stated, “We’re introducing camera effects, selfie stickers, and quicker reactions to make WhatsApp more fun and easier to use.”
Here are all the new features and how you will be able to use them:
Camera Effects: The first on the list which can be used when you take and send a video or photo in your chats. You will get an option to choose from 30 backgrounds, filters, and effects which can completely transform the image.
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Selfie stickers: Now, you will be able to convert your selfies into stickers. All you need to do is tap on the sticker icon and you’ll see the camera option to take a selfie and create your sticker. However, this feature is currently limited to Android users and the iOS users will get it in the coming weeks.
Share a sticker pack: Another much-awaited feature using which the users can share the sticker packs with their loved ones in the chat. The users can tap on the plus button and at the end, they will see a new window that will allow them to forward the sticker pack to anyone.
Quick Reactions: WhatsApp has also introduced a new quickly react feature for the users. The users can now simply react to messages by double-tapping them. This new feature will save much time compared to the previous method which required users to hold the message for a few seconds.
Meanwhile, WhatsApp has also promised to enhance the user experience by adding new features this year while ensuring privacy and security all over the world.