WhatsApp Pay, a Unified Payment Interface (UPI)-powered payment service, is now available to all Indians, after the company previously announced its intention to enter the payment service market. The feature was available in the Indian market, but only to a select group of users due to NCPI limitations. However, the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) lifted the limit and made it available to Indian users.
To keep an eye on security and performance issues, the NPCI has limited the number of users WhatsApp can onboard for its payment service. For the previous two years, WhatsApp Pay was limited to a maximum of 100 million users.
“In the past, NPCI allowed WhatsApp Pay to gradually increase the number of its UPI users. WhatsApp Pay can now offer UPI services to all of its Indian users thanks to this development,” the NPCI said in a press release.
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WhatsApp Pay allows users to send or receive money to their contacts without even leaving the application. Just like other applications, the users will be able to send money requests. Additionally, the users can also send money to other UPI application users such as Google Pay, PhonePe and Paytm.
Meanwhile, the NPCI has delayed the implementation of the 30% UPI market share cap for all players by two years. It basically means that platforms such as GPay, PhonePe, Paytm, and others cannot have more than 30% of the market share.