WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new feature which will allow the users to directly connect with human chat support from the web client. According to a report by WaBetaInfo, the latest beta version has the new Chat with Us feature using which the users will be able to contact the support team from the Help Section.
At the moment, users must first go through a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) before they can get in touch with WhatsApp support. Bypassing this step, the new feature will allow users to start a conversation with the support staff directly. Users who choose the “Chat with Us” option will be informed that the support staff will reply to them through WhatsApp chat. Users will be able to ask a human representative for help if necessary, but at first, responses might still be automated or AI-generated.
“Users will receive a message from WhatsApp asking for details about why they decided to contact the support team. After submitting their response, the request will be processed, and users will receive a follow-up message in the same conversation. It is important to note that the next response could still be AI-generated or an automated message. However, if users require a response from a human representative, they can simply request it in the chat,” WaBetaInfo report stated.
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This new feature will help the users get support directly from the web client in a faster and more organised manner, specifically when AI-based support is not able to resolve specific issues. However, the feature is currently under development and is expected to be included in the future update of the web client.
It is worth noting that the Meta-owned instant messaging platform has not confirmed the development of the feature as of now but we expect that WhatsApp may announce more specific details in the coming weeks.