WhatsApp is reportedly rolling out new features for group members who prefer voice messages. The new beta version introduces more exciting features for voice group chats, making them easier and more interactive to use.
According to Wabetainfo, the recent WhatsApp Beta for Android update adds more enhancements to features introduced with Android beta version, improving accessibility and user interface.
A floating action button, situated directly above the message send button, is one of the new features included in the latest beta update. It provides a simple and obvious method of initiating a voice chat within a group. To start a voice call, users must currently use the app’s top action bar or navigate to the group chat information screen. All group members will be able to see this more clearly thanks to the new modification.
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A gesture-based way to initiate voice chats is also included in the latest beta update. In a group conversation, when a user scrolls up, the voice chat will start automatically after the gesture is finished. It will assist in maintaining user engagement.
According to the report, voice chat will no longer be restricted to larger groups; even two people can use the feature in a smaller group. To maintain a tidy group interface, WhatsApp will automatically terminate a group if it is not used or joined within 60 minutes. Nevertheless, once a voice chat is started, users can still alert all participants, enabling anyone to join the conversation.
Some beta testers can now access the new voice group chat actions, and in the days ahead, more users will be able to use them. Please be aware that these features are not yet officially available for public use, and it may take several weeks.