WhatsApp is reportedly testing a dedicated video option within its new camera mode. As per WABetaInfo, a preview version of WhatsApp beta for iOS has this feature. And although it’s currently not even in beta, not before long it should be available to them as well as regular WhatsApp users. So, let’s check out the feature at work in some newly out screenshots.
WABetaInfo calls this feature — Camera Mode and it includes a photo-taking option and a dedicated video recording option also.
Here is a WhatsApp beta for iOS screenshot showing what the feature looks like:
So earlier, you had to press and hold the shutter button to record a video on WhatsApp. However, now you can do that by swiping to the dedicated video mode. It should make recording a video quicker and easier.
We will know it better when we get access to the feature. We will keep you posted.
As for Android users, the WhatsApp beta for Android update also reportedly has this feature.
Another WhatsApp feature under development is Chat Transfer, which lets you move your chat history to an Android phone without using Google Drive.