WhatsApp messenger for Android has released a new update that adds support for Android Wear. The update brings new features like complete preview of received messages, stacked notifications and the ability to reply to messages with voice.
Version 2.11.318 of WhatsApp brings complete message preview where user can get the entire message displayed on your smartwatch, instead of getting just a notification. The app now shows individual sender's name in a group conversation. Stacked notifications lets you view, expand and read several individually. The most important is now users can send voice replies to their friends in the message thread. Users can also send already-made responses saying "Yes", "No", "HaHa" and "LOL".
Facebook owned Whatsapp has over 500 million users and some of them may already be supporting Android wear. Although reportedly the update doesn't work seamlessly but if you own an LG G Watch or the Samsung Gear Live, you might want to give it a try. The update can be downloaded from Whatsapp's website and is not available on the Google Play Store.
Twitter's new update for Android has introduced a new dedicated WhatsApp share button. The button is placed at the bottom of a tweet, alongside with the existing share buttons like Gmail, Facebook Messenger, Facebook, Skype and BBM. The Whatsapp share button lets you directly share the tweet on WhatsApp. Twitter has been testing the WhatsApp share button its Indian users where WhatsApp has over 50 million active monthly users.
Source: Whatsapp, 9to5 Google