WhatsApp is one of the most used messaging platforms out there. The company, which is owned by Meta, does know this and keeps on adding new features every now and then to keep the users glued. Now, we might get to see some new and useful features coming on WhatsApp soon. One such feature might be able to block messages from unknown accounts automatically.
This new feature aims to enhance user security and privacy. It will let users automatically block messages from unknown accounts. So this aims to tackle the issue of spam, phishing attacks, and other forms of malicious content that often originate from unknown contacts on WhatsApp. And honestly, it has become so common on WhatsApp these days.
Users will be able to set a limit on the number of messages they can receive from an unknown contact within a certain period. Once this threshold is exceeded, WhatsApp will automatically block all future messages from that account.
On top of security and privacy, this feature will also help the app run more smoothly. Spam and unwanted messages can overwhelm the app. This then slows down the apps and impacts the speed. This can even significantly reduce the amount of data the app needs to process.
Scammers have made WhatsApp their weapon of choice, and this new feature is expected to reduce the risks of malicious content that could compromise both device performance and data security. If the exposure is reduced, then the chances of a user getting scammed are also reduced.
For now, the feature is still being worked upon, as per WaBetaInfo. Hopefully, it will be rolled out along with the forthcoming updates. But do you think this feature will plan out well or even those sending genuine messages will get blocked?