Nokia Refocus now available for Lumia devices running Windows Phone 8

Updated on 14-Mar-2014

Nokia Refocus now supports all Lumia devices running Windows Phone 8 operating system.

Nokia Refocus which was initially available for Lumia Pureview smartphones only, has now been launched for all Lumia smartphones, including Lumia 520. The software was launched in November last year and allows users to take a photo and change its focus at a later date.

According to Jens Eggert, Nokia’s Lead Program Manager for Refocus, the apps release for all Nokia’s Windows Phone 8 devices is meant to show users that their Lumia devices can get better every day.

“Initially available for anyone with a Lumia PureView smartphone, from today the latest Refocus update will allow all Lumia owners sporting Windows Phone 8 to have a piece of the varifocal action,” a recent post on Nokia Conversations reads.

“As we have seen with the great imaging apps like Nokia Camera before, lots of people have been asking for it and we responded. You spoke, we listened. Now anyone that owns a Lumia can enjoy the power and creativity of Nokia Refocus,” said Jens Eggret.

Jens Eggert, Nokia’s Lead Program Manager for Refocus, gives a tip on how to capture the best Refocus shots:

“To create a great Refocus image, move as close as possible to the object nearest you, get that in focus – between five and ten centimeters – and ensure you’ve got something defined in the background. The best advice, however, is experimentation. Just play, it’s fun!”

The Nokia Refocus app comes with a built-in sharing feature with which you can show off your pictures to your friends. People receiving the images don’t need a Lumia smartphone or the Nokia Refocus app to look at your photos or choose their own focal point.

Source: Nokia

Silky Malhotra

Silky Malhotra loves learning about new technology, gadgets, and more. When she isn’t writing, she is usually found reading, watching Netflix, gardening, travelling, or trying out new cuisines.

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