Telegram recently took to its blog to announce a major app update that will bring new features to users. The company said “With this update, you can have a Telegram account without a SIM card and set up a global timer to automatically delete messages in all new chats. Topics in groups are now even more powerful – and available for groups with 100+ members.”.
Telegram is offering a new feature that lets users delete messages they have sent or received. The messages are deleted for both parties, without telltale text indicating that something was deleted. Users could also set up timers on these messages to ensure that they auto-delete at a set moment. The new update is expanding on this capability.
Users can now access a global auto-delete timer that will allow them to get rid of messages from all new chats. To use this, all you have to do is navigate to Settings > Privacy & Security > Auto-Delete Messages.
A previous update of Telegram introduced a new feature that let admins turn a discussion in a group into its very own topic, to streamline the conversation and boost engagement. This feature was called Topics.
The new update brings Topics 2.0, which allows users to create topics in groups that have more than 100 members. The topics will be displayed alongside the chats in a column format so that users can access both rather easily.
Telegram’s latest update now allows users to sign up without a sim card. Instead, users can easily pick anonymous numbers that are powered by Blockchain on the Fragment platform.
Group admins can now select ‘Aggressive mode’ to eliminate spam bots from their chats. This will ensure that the information spread in the group is verified and pertinent to the group itself, rather than random ads for things no one wants to see.
Users who have hidden their phone numbers can generate temporary QR codes that will allow others to connect with them. This feature has been designed to enhance the privacy of the user further.
Android users will be able to see exactly how much space each chat is occupying in their storage. This will help manage the available space in one’s device in a more efficient manner. Users can also delete individual chats from their cache to clear up space.
Telegram’s latest update will also bring access to new custom emojis made by the company’s own artists. The emojis available to users will also be more interactive.
Telegram ended its blog on a cryptic note, stating that they might be working on a final update for this year that will offer “ultimate privacy”.
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