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My Last Wish, a social media app for the dying

My Last Wish, a social media app for the dying

Do you want the world to know what are your last wishes before you die? Well, you can do that now via a new social network app called “My Last Wish”. The new app lets users to post wishes on a “Wishes Wall” and befriend others who might share their own wishes. The My Last Wish, a free app, has been developed by a software company called White Lotus Corporation and is available in Apple’s App Store. An Android version is in the works and will be rolled out soon.

While sharing a wish, users – “fellow wishers” are also allowed to attach their e-mail address and phone numbers so that others can communicate with them about their wishes. On tapping a person’s contact information within the app, the information will be added in the contact list of users’ iPhone. Moreover, users can also receive notifications when people post their wishes on the Wishes Wall.

There’s an palm icon beside wishes, which lets users to “aLike” a wish, or “give a five” to a user to show their support for their wishes or become friends. Lotus plans to add a location-based feature to the app in near future.

“A social networking application to make friendship with those unknown people from corners of the world with different ethnicity, culture, traditions, value systems, life style and much more – but having only one thing in common and that is the ‘Last Wish’,” the website says about itself.

“By this application, we have tried to unite the community on the ‘Wish Wall’ to share their last wish with the world and find out those people with similar wishes before they die, get connected to them and be friends forever.” To download the My Last Wish app, click here.

What do you think of the new My Last Wish app? Let us know in the comments section below:

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Kul Bhushan