Microsoft Office gets co-authoring feature for sensitive files on Android, iOS: How to

Updated on 28-Aug-2022

Tech giant Microsoft has rolled out a new feature for Office that expands the range of documents people can co-edit in real-time for iOS and Android users.

The Office mobile apps now support co-authoring documents protected by Microsoft Purview Information Protection, reports Windows Central.

Multiple people can edit Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents in real-time, even if the files are marked with sensitivity labels, the report said.

As per the report, the same capability was already available on Office for Windows, macOS, and the web.

The feature is now available for Office on all major platforms with the expansion to Android and iOS.

The ability to collaborate in real-time across devices has become more critical with more people working remotely and from home.

With the best iPads and best Android tablets becoming more popular as general computing devices, mobile support is now essential for many people as well.

A recent report said that the tech giant had released a new beta version of its Office app for iPad with support for the Apple Pencil's handwriting-to-text feature Scribble.

The feature allows you to insert and edit the text in a Word document, PowerPoint presentation, or Excel spreadsheet using the Apple Pencil, with handwriting automatically converted into typed text.

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