Meta now brings AI chatbot to WhatsApp, Facebook users in India: Everything you need to know

Updated on 24-Jun-2024

Meta AI was previously available in countries such as Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.

The delay in the Indian launch had its own particular reason.

Meta AI’s launch was halted in India owing to the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections.

Meta has rolled out its AI chatbot Meta AI for the Indian masses now. Earlier it was limited to a few users in India, but now the AI chatbot is available throughout the country. Meta AI is not limited to any one particular app and is available across Meta Apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger, as well as a dedicated website at

It was previously available in countries such as Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. The delay in the Indian launch had its own particular reason. Actually, Meta AI’s launch was halted in India owing to the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections.

I was among the few people with early access to Meta AI. What I liked most about Meta AI was the fact that it is built within our most used social media apps. You can access real-time information from Google and Microsoft without even the need to leave your favourite social media app. Further, you can even directly access it within different chats and even group chats. You simply have to type @MetaAI and type in your request. Not going to lie, it does feel a little creepy but Meta ensures us that Meta AI only reads messages where it has been tagged.

What are the uses of Meta AI?

You can use Meta AI for writing emails, creating poems, summarising and translating text. Not just this, you can even generate images directly within your social media apps with the help of Meta AI.

Well, some users have reported that they are still not able to see the Meta AI option in their apps, despite the announcement. Meta is currently in the process of rolling the feature out and it will make it to your smartphones within a couple of days.

Mustafa Khan

Mustafa is new on the block and is a tech geek who is currently working with Digit as a News Writer. He tests the new gadgets that come on board and writes for the news desk. He has found his way with words and you can count on him when in need of tech advice. No judgement. He is based out of Delhi, he’s your person for good photos, good food recommendations, and to know about anything GenZ.

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