Google updates Chrome Beta with full-screen browsing, improved Omnibox

Updated on 12-Apr-2013

Chrome 27.0.1453.49 comes with a number of long-awaited new updates including Client-side certificate support and tab history on tablets.

Google has rolled out an update to Chrome Beta adding a slew of new and improved features. The version 27.0.1453.49 brings new features for tablet users as well.

Now users of Google Chrome Beta can have full-screen web browsing and better search through the Omnibox. The update allows automatic switching to the browsing mode when a user starts scrolling, disappearing the upper navigation bar. However, the bar reappears on touching the screen, making the app more convenient to use.

If users swipe upwards, toolbar reappears having the url field and navigation options including the back and refresh tabs. The improved Omnibox gives users options to edit queries via the search bar, without needing to retype everything. Moreover, tablet users can access search history by holding the back button. They can also add client-side certificate support as well.

Google has also shared some knowable issues with app that are as follows:

  • Noticeable lag in text entry on some text fields
  • chrome://history sometimes show duplicate items
  • Opening tabs is sometimes slow
  • Pages may flicker sometimes, especially during navigation

Download the update now from the Google Play store.

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