Five teams shortlisted by MyGov for developing the PMO app

Updated on 27-Aug-2015

The five teams hail from Chennai, NCR, and Pune. They will be working with Google engineers for six weeks to develop the app.

MyGov has shortlisted 5 teams who will develop the official app for the Indian Prime Minister’s Office. The teams will be mentored by Google engineers for next six weeks, who will help them develop a world-class Android app. Out of the five apps, one will be selected as the winner and will be used as the official PMO app.

The teams were shortlisted from a contest that was announced by MyGov, in partnership with Google, in March earlier this year. MyGov received more than 50,000 ideas in phase 1, and a blueprint was prepared for developers, who could register as teams and submit mockups. MyGov received 110 mockups in phase 2, out of which 10 teams were shortlisted. The current five teams were shortlisted by a jury of renowned professionals and government representatives based on detailed presentations.

This contest is the first crowdsourced initiative to develop a mobile app for a public office. Out of the five shortlisted teams, two are from Chennai, two from NCR, and one from Pune. One of teams is led by a female entrepreneur and two by students.

Gaurav Dwivedi, CEO MyGov said, “With the short listing of the finalists, the contest has now entered its last phase of actual App development. The role of Google’s team in mentoring will be critical at this stage and we are working closely to unveil of the official Mobile App for the Prime Minister’s Office.”

Chetan Krishnaswamy, Country Head Public Policy, Google India said, “As increasing number of Indians get online with their smartphones,  we’re delighted to be working MyGov in an effort to build a world class mobile App for the citizens to connect with the Prime Minister's Office. Easy access to information and empowering citizens with the benefits of Internet are a big part Prime Minister Modi’s “Digital India” initiative, and this app is one step in that direction.”


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