Google launches Photo Sphere viewing widget

Updated on 06-May-2013

Google allows users to embed Photo Spheres on all websites or blogs, share them with the world and those outside Google+.

Among major highlights of Android 4.2 update was the new Photo Sphere feature, which allowed users to take photos in 360-degree panoramic mode that could be panned horizontally as well as vertically. The photos, however, could only be shared via Google or on a device running Android 4.2 and above. But, Google has now eased that restriction with the introduction of a Photo Sphere viewing widget that can be embedded in any website.

“We just launched a new Photo Sphere viewing widget that you can add to ANY website. Check out this example by Colby Brown ( and see instructions here:,” said Google in a blog post last week.

In addition to parameters such as imageurl, fullsize, croppedsize, offset, and displaysize, the widget also includes an autorotate option.

“However currently, there are already other applications for mobile devices that allow you to take amazing standard panoramas but the end results are always the same….a flat image that makes it somewhat difficult to really get a feel for what you are looking at,” says Colby Brown in his article titled Can Photo Spheres Change the Way We Experience The World?

“When looking at a PS, you can use your mouse (or finger on a mobile device) to rotate around the image, constantly changing your perspective. Want to look up at the sky as if you were there? No problem! Want to see what was behind the photographer? Easily done,” he further added.

Photo Sphere Widget

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