Google Assistant now has a ‘Search this screen’ button on Android: How it helps

Updated on 29-Aug-2022

Google Assistant has replaced "Whats on my screen?" button with a Lens-branded shortcut that is now being called "Search this screen" by some Pixel users.

Compared to "What's on my screen," the existing Lens button does not appear every time Google Assistant is invoked.

A Reddit user who has Pixel 6 Pro said that some time after "what's on my screen?" was killed unceremoniously and without explanation by Google, they added a "Lens" button on the Assistant pop up, but not everywhere, and depending on context.

It shows up in Chrome and Twitter (alongside "Read"), but availability is hit or miss in third-party apps.

Now, "Search this screen" button is appearing in Assistant on Android.

Tapping should capture the current screen and let you access the Translate, Text, Search, Homework, Shopping, Places, and Dining filters, reports 9to5Google.

"Search this screen" button opens Lens and "gives you all the Lens options, so you don't have to go through the workaround of screenshotting and Lens-ing it anymore".

The new Lens screen search button has not been rolled out for all but is seen in build.

Google may roll out this replacement soon to all Android users to boost Lens usage.

(Except for the headline and cover image, the rest of this IANS article is un-edited)

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