Gmail people widget now allows brands to promote Google+ profiles and posts

Updated on 12-Jun-2013

Now customers can follow brands on Google+ directly from Gmail

Google has introduced a new feature for its Gmail people widget that enables businesses to highlight their Google profiles and latest Google posts within customers’ inboxes.

After having signed in, Gmail users can follow the brands’ Google page from within the e-mail, without needing to visit Google . The widget shows information culled from the business’s Google page, including the logo and recent Google activity, alongside opened Gmail messages originating from the business’s domain name.

Google says the updated widget allows brands to boost their Google following by prompting users right from Gmail. The widget also boosts visibility of Google posts. To appear in the new Gmail widget, businesses or organization needs is a verified Google page and digitally-signed emails. Learn more about the widget here

“Today we’re expanding the Gmail people widget to include brands and businesses (, making it easier for your customers to connect with you on Google . This way, when people receive emails from your domain, they can follow your Google page directly from their inbox! Your recent Google posts can also appear in the widget (alongside your email message), helping customers find and engage with your content,” says Google Your Business team in a post.

Google recently introduced a new dashboard for businesses and Google page owners that aims to make it easier to manage online presence. The new dashboard allows users to manage their activities around Google tools through a single platform. Read more about the update to Google Dashboard here.

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